Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I Am Better Than The Ideas You Have of Me...

"Women should be tough, tender, laugh as much as possible, and live long lives. The struggle for equality continues unabated and the woman warrior who is armed with wit and courage will be among the first to celebrate victory." -Maya Angelou

This quote from Maya Angelou I believe is an amazing quote because it encompasses everything many people feel that women should be, especially a black woman. I agree because I refuse to be a woman that just sits by waistside and allows things to just happen to her. I am not a woman who is passive and does not nor will not stand up for herself. I grew up in a single parent home; my mother raised my little brother and I by herself, and she never complained about it. I believe that she is the most amazing woman I have ever come by. She taught me that I did not need a man to be happy, and that I can do anything and everything as long as I put my mind to it. She taught me how to be tough and to hold my own and not let anyone walk over me, yet she showed me when to be vulnerable and let others in. She was a very serious person, but she knew how to laugh and be happy when I needed to relax. I refuse to be a stereotypical black woman who is thought to be illiterate and passive, but I will be the woman who comes out on top because I know that is something that I am capable of.

-Penelope Drumming


  1. I think that you are very well spoken. I think that you told your personal experience with literacy well. I could easily connect Dowdy and yourself because in a way you talked of how you mother, "resist(ed) the narrow limitations of traditional expectations..." and in turn that helps you to want to strive to open doors beyond these limitations also.

    -Jacquelyn D. Patterson

  2. Your mom sounds just like my mom. My mother raised me to be independent and to expand my mind. It is very good that you and your mother have a good relationship with each other because not a lot of mothers and daughters have a special bond.
